Monthly Archives: August 2009

Guarded Language

Someone I know complains about the Facebook status updates of someone else I know. (Note: for those of you who tweet, but do not use Facebook, imagine it’s one person complaining about another person’s tweets to you.)

That got me to thinking that I should be more judicious in my status updates and tweets (when I remember to add the tweet, that is) and so once more, I use this blog as a dumping ground for all those status updates and tweets that I don’t use. Some for reasons that will be easy to see and others because I don’t want to embarrass people who are related to me through no fault of their own. If you understand that correctly, you have discerned that I don’t give MathMan any consideration here. Look – he chose to marry me and, thus, become related to me. Caveat emptor holds.

And after reading them over before publishing, I see that some were obviously written in my head as I cleaned up after some loathsome child of mine.

So here we go (again)…

Lisa Golden…..

…is perplexed. How is it that her children who can crack a safe using nothing more than sheer will and their mother’s best tweezers can’t put the lid all the way on the Gladware?

…decided screw it! and is having peach cobbler for breakfast at 10am on a Wednesday.

…wonders if her children maybe don’t speak English? Nah, couldn’t be. That’s definitey English they’re speaking when they ask for stuff.

….wants the elliptical to shut up. I know you want me to wrap my hands around your handles and place my feet on your sturdy pedals, but making exercise sound sexy isn’t fooling me. That is not the fun kind of sweat.

…likes her coffee sweet and her sugar sweeter.

…will dance around that issue all day long.

…is dodging people today because it’s one of those days and some people don’t really want to know what she’s thinking.

…is giving off mixed messages again.

…is going to get her work done quickly and sloppily so she can get back to goofing around.

…life really is short. And I’m shorter.

…isn’t going to R.I.P. Ted Kennedy. I’m a liberal. You can assume what I think. Go ahead, it’s okay.

…is going to go fetch……something.

….is so tired of hearing people say “Well, at least be grateful that you have a job.” I’d be grateful to not need a job. I don’t get money for doing nothing, you know. My employer should be grateful to have good employees who know what needs to be done and does it with a very minimum of supervision.

…was encouraged to run with scissors as a child.

….was found under a rock.

…tried to explain squishy ethics to her son last night. I’m not sure I get it, not sure he got it.

…is thirsting for knowledge in a desert of dumb.

…remembered too late that kids are expensive, inconvenient drains on the energy and resources.

…is so tired of posting rightwing bullshit for her job. I’m sick of working for people who do not get it. Hey business owners! How about you think for yourselves and stop believing that every goverment program is bad for you? Or would you like to run your businesses without roads, bridges, educated workers, water, electric, police and fire protection, the ability to turn to the courts to collect claims, etc…..?

…wants to know what’s novel about the H1N1 virus.

…is watching the clock.

…is chasing water falls.

…is draped over a chaise lounge, waiting to be waited upon. So far – nothing.

….is contemplating doing housework naked. The very idea will either scare my kids into doing their share or will drive them from the abode. Either way is a win.

…would appreciate it very much if Brachs would go back to making Malted Milk Balls taste the way they used to. The right way.

…eats her M&Ms by color.

…would love to skip flossing today, but fears the reaper and you know the reaper comes first for those who don’t floss.

…eschews organized and disorganized religions of all kinds.

…doesn’t fear the government, but does fear the lobbies that run the government.

…will remember this. You can count on it.

…broke another fingernail.

…is filled with glee. There was a stick of gum left in the pack.

…knows that in the big scheme of things, the color she chose for her wedding remains insignificant.

…is determined to make this work.

…wants to learn how to fly. Not fly a plane, just fly.

Adventures in Real Parenting: Not All Fun and Games

In our basement, people are being killed in cold blood. The sound is horrendous.

It got so bad that sometimes, Chloe, The Dancer, would rouse herself enough to type a text message and hit send, hurtling her plaintive through the AT&T controlled air until it reached her father and me upstairs in our bedroom hideaway.

Will you please tell Nathan to quiet down?”

Grumbling, one of us would slip back into parent mode, well past the time where we declare ourselves “off duty” and approach the door leading to the scene of the crimes. “Hey, Nate! Keep it down!”

The mayhem would lessen ever so slightly, enough so that we could not hear it from our room where we ourselves were watching Brits treat each other with stark brutality on DVDs borrowed from the library.

And his sister, the originator of the complaint, so exhausted from dance and academia, would simply fade into unconsciousness, taking with her those exasperated grievances and dire warnings that Nathan was on the express train to serial killerdom.

But it turns out that it isn’t just murder and mayhem and foul language in the basement after all.

Mom, what exactly is a quid?” Nathan asked me a couple of weeks ago.

We proceeded to have an eye-opening conversation regarding all he’s learning about life in England. It seems that he’s picked up the Anglophile gene. Please don’t misunderstand. He hasn’t a clue what a tea cozy is nor has he started calling dessert pudding, but he’s much more aware of British slang and cultural icons than he was before. He knows what an O Level is. I had to google it.

“They really do talk like the people in Hope and Glory,” he announced, taking a swig of some super-charged energy drink (as if he needs it.) He was referencing a movie that he and his sisters have been forced to watch so many times, they know half the dialogue. “They say bloody and bugger off and sod and you lot and they call each other blokes.”

How is he learning this? From playing XBox live with kids from the UK. They’ve developed friendships over the last couple of months. Like many of us do here in the blogosphere, they look for each other to play together online.

I was delighted to learn that woven through the cursed exclamations (which elicit very stern NATHANS!!!! from his parents) and the very male banter involving grenades, guns, ammo and gear, the gamers discuss things like language, education, music and, believe it or not, health care. What do you know? The British gamers think it’s odd that we here in the U.S. are struggling over health care reform.

It would be very easy to dismiss the online activities of our kids – it’s all just games, killing, an erosion of our slick morality, blah, blah, parenting speak, blah….,but what they are doing, even as they play war games or as part of band is forming relationships with people from all over the world.

It’s not morality that’s being worn down, it’s intolerance and nationalism and a sick need to feel superior to other people simply because this one was born in the U.S. and that one was born somewhere else. The world shrinks and, one hopes, understanding expands.

And, as someone who values my ability to have friendships with people from down the road (at which I still suck per comments on FB like “Your phone’s dial out feature works too, you know) and across the globe (looks furtively away from my gmail because I know there are people in there that I owe an email), I can’t think of a better way to use the vast technological glory of the internet.

Blood-soaked horrors, optional.

I ask you – what’s not to love about something with a KillCam?

Commute Chat No. 9 21 Years and Counting

On August 21, 1988 MathMan and I got married.

You can tell by this video that our world is still rocking….

When it was all said and done, we replaced “getting drunk” with “getting crazy with the lactose intolerance.” McDonalds on our wedding night and Dairy Queen twenty-one years later.

Come to think of it, I should have titled this post Foodies in Love…..

Oh what the hell…..The Return of DCup

Holy cats, look who’s escaped from her box. It’s my old alter ego DCup. And guess what she’s writing about? Not her sorry ass children, I can tell you that. Nope, she just tore the head off a co-worker who was bitching about paying taxes. As anyone who knows her would expect, DCup hurled invectives and suggested the co-worker and anyone who hates government and thinks we should have a world with no taxes move to Somalia where there are no taxes nor evil government nor the silly-ass services provided by said evil government with its neck-stomping regulations. “After about two weeks there, try to send us a postcard or email and let us know how you’re faring, okay?” DCup chuckled and then ducked as her co-worker hurled her own invectives and a heavy paperweight to make her point.

So what does DCup have to say? Let’s find out…..

Hello, again. Long time no cleavage peeking. Want to have a little fun? And no, I don’t mean that kind of fun.

Although I am not into the preachin’ to the choir so much anymore, there are moments when I am so fed up with the bullshit nonsense coming from the Right that I can’t just sit on my hands. Besides, in my current state of mind, sitting on my hands might prove to be too stimulating, if you know what I mean….Anyway, I have two things for y’all, especially those who are still blogging the political:

(1) PLEASE stop portraying white southerners as crazy. We may celebrate our crazies down here instead of locking them in the basement, attic or back bedroom with the flea-ridden cats like we did in the Midwest, but not all southern whites are racists, idiots or crazy.

If they, as a group, support Republicans and dumbass Republican ideology, even though they don’t really know what that entails, it has much more to do with the fact that they are pumped full of rightwing propaganda all day long. There is no escaping it.

You can’t swing a cat without hitting a television blaring Fox News. (Apologies to the cat.) All the local radio is of a rightwing nature and they carry Beck, O’Reilly, Hannity, Boortz, etc. Heck, MathMan and I got a good laugh over a billboard for a recently-launched talk radio channel that has the words “Tired of Boortz” emblazoned in gigantic letters across it…except, and this is the funny part, the picture of the “new” talker is (drumroll, please!) Don Imus!!!!!!!!! I’ll wait while you finish rolling around on the floor, laughing your ass off.

You mean to tell me, DCup, that in the huge Atlanta radio market, the antidote to listening to the extended play version of the Fox News Channel “talent” is Dr. Laura, Don Imus, and Mancow Mueller? Oh, I shit you not. And if that isn’t enough diversity of thought for you – how about some Laura Ingraham, Dennis Miller and some doof named Lou Dobbs?!?!? Makes you all tingly with the spirit of free thought, dudnit?

And it’s not just the mass media. The propaganda is delivered in other places, as well. Nevermind the ravings of the misinformed in every beauty shop, autobody place, farm and feed store, lumberyard and senior center. I’m talking about another organized group.

The preachers preach the right wing propaganda from their pulpits. The reason they do this is two fold, but mostly hinges on their need to grow their flocks and keep them tossing their coins into the passed plate.

Listen – sex sells, even in church. Who the fuck wants to go listen to some cross-eyed minister rambling on incessantly about charitable works and following Jesus? Let’s hear about how he isn’t supposed to be putting his dick in her. If there’s no pussy and dick shaming in church, then what’s the point? If all anyone wants is good works, they can stay home and watch Feed the Children commercials on Sunday morning.

I kid. Mostly. The point is, if it all comes down to money, the churches need butts in pews. Sex and shaming does indeed sell because you can sit and repent for lusting after your neighbor’s teenage son (not that I would know) or for getting a boner while watching the woman run her sexy red fingernails over the toffee colored Berber in the carpet commercial. And you know, there’s plenty of repenting to be done for all that porn surfing. Hell, I’m amazed that no one has figured out yet that we can cut out the middle man by putting a donate button for your choice of the mega churches on YouPorn or Pornhub. Now that’s efficient and soul saving!

If you think about it, the government is in direct conflict with organized religion. They compete for the same audience and customers. Lately, again not that I would know because I don’t attend church, but not knowing about something isn’t about to stop me from having an opinion on it now, I would bet (if I had any money) that there are houses of worship that would like to take the place of government when it comes to delivering all kinds of services.

Now, I don’t mean to bash the religions for providing services, but don’t kid us – there is an ulterior motive. Just like I’m significantly nicer to my parents when I owe them money, if you’ve done good works for someone, they are likely to look upon you favorably. And being looked upon favorably is much better than be disrespectd, dismissed or, worse, ignored. And then there’s that whole motivation of wanting to get into heaven. Now that’s motivation!

So – did you get all that? The white South is Republican, in large part, because they aren’t exposed to other thought. It’s pretty damned simple. And what’s more, they are exposed to thought that not only pumps up selected portions of the rightwing agenda through continuous and gratuitous propaganda. But that same propaganda and the noise machine that produces and distributes it also has the dual goal of tearing down liberals and progressive ideas. You don’t have one without the other. Down here, liberal is still a dirty word. And why? Because for years and years, Southerners have been told that liberal is bad. And not just bad, but kicking puppies bad. Kitten skinning bad. Baby-killing and fricasseeing bad. Jesus hating bad.


Get the picture? Good. Now sally forth with your good arguments, but stop assuming that white Southerners vote against their best interests because they are crazy. They are not crazy. They are ill-informed, or worse, actively and constantly mis-informed. Painting them with the crazy brush and deriding them isn’t going to win them over. Saying “fuck them nutters” isn’t going to do any good either because enough of them vote and tell their cousins how to vote to keep this country from ever moving forward. We don’t need that. Liberals and progressives have good ideas. They just need to get them out there, despite the rightwing seizure of the media. Don’t make the mistake of starting out with a sucker punch to your audience because this fight is about winning in the long run, not in the short one.

Okay, next item on the agenda is this – a perfect example of exactly why we should stay vigilant, not against the crazy, but against the mis-informed. I got this from a blazing rightwinger contact of mine. It’s a survey that claims to be “unbiased” except if you look carefully at the intro email, it refers to our President by one word – Obama. Now, I wonder if the person who put this together would have been one who would have been quick to point out that when addressing former President George W. Bush, one should use his proper title, at least in the first mention of him. Unbiased must mean different things to different people.

So go ahead, vote in this unbiased poll (you’ll see why I want you to as soon as you click on the link, vote and see the current results.) Ultimately, it’s neither here nor there and I’m about to go back to my hole in the ground and pretend that everyone is crazy and I’m bored with it, but please, political bloggers, remember what I said here. And all of you go vote. And then, if you’re so inclined, pass on this little “unbiased” poll. You know, for shits and giggles only.

Thank you for your time.


Thank you, DCup. It’s been too long………

Adventures in Real Parenting: I Must Admit That Sometimes I Dislike Intensely My Children

Yesterday was MathMan’s first day of the academic year with students. He shared with me his plans to discuss patterns as a math concept. Patterns are everywhere and in everything. Thankfully for his students, MathMan narrowed it down a bit to a manageable concept.

As we were discussing this, we noted the fact that each of our children have twenty letters in their very long names. (each has two middle names) This was an unplanned pattern that was brought to or attention this summer by which kid? I can’t remember.

But that’s not the only pattern we noticed regarding our children.We’ve noticed that they each have their ways for showing us they love us and many more ways to show their utter and complete disdain for us as thinking human beings.

The patterns, as I will outline below, seem to hold steady in nearly every situation. Each child has her or his own pattern and they stick to it with great regularity. MathMan and I have joked that being inconsistent is the only consistent way that we parent. Our children have turned that on its head and have become models of efficiency when it comes to getting their way and/or expressing themselves vis a vis subtle parental guidance and outright directives.

Let’s dissect the techniques, shall we?
The oldest, The Dancer, employs what I like to think of as The Much Aggrieved.

Physical characteristics include:

  • The pulling of a sour face or
  • A poked out lower lip with sad eyes*
  • Rolled eyes**
  • A posture and overall attitude of “Are you through yet? Can we get real now?”
  • The occasional laughingly-delivered “You must be joking!”

*The result depends on where she is in the monthly cycle of things.
**A well-delivered annoyance can result in both the sour face, followed by a quick shift into the pouty face verging on tears.

The conveyed meanings include, but are not limited to:

  • I cannot believe you would say that to me!
  • Oh, please, as if…..
  • But surely, you’re not addressing me. You must be thinking of one of your other children.
  • How dare you!
  • Do you see the shock that is registering on my face, for I am truly and most-assuredly shocked!
  • Uh huh….
  • Of course, you don’t really mean that….
  • Yeah, right!
  • But I’m the best behaved child you have! This little thing shouldn’t matter in the larger scope of things, right?
  • I can never please you! I work my butt off at school and that is not enough! Now you expect me to clean up after myself, too? The nerve.
  • Are you quite finished? Can we inject some reality into this situation now?

The Actor/Ninja – a mostly classic middle child, except for that bit about being a peacemaker – is a fan of what we refer to around here as The Righteous Indignation.

A spin-off, of sorts, from The Dancer’s snorting and derisive eye-rolling and shaming approach, The Righteous Indignation is rather like watching a political operative trying to shout down an opponent on one of the cable infotainment channels. Volume is critical. Speed is critical. Being the first to attack and holding forth in an unrelenting, crescendo-building manner is essential.

Physical characteristics include:

  • The afore-mentioned volume;
  • The afore-mentioned speed in which one delivers one’s defense or argument;
  • The flailing about;
  • Arm waving;
  • Bulging eyes;
  • Throbbing neck veins;
  • The gnashing of teeth, or even more disturbing, the nibbling of thumbnail and spitting it out in disgust, while delivering some kind of abusive language;
  • The repetition of the word “What? What? What? What?” much like Uncle Percy in the Jeeves and Wooster books by Wodehouse.
  • Dashing dramatically from the room, slamming of doors, breaking of items, general mayhem;

Conveyed meanings are not difficult to construe and, in fact, hinge on one simple hypothesis:
I shall be horrible until I get my way and you cannot stop me!

I must tell you that The Actor/Ninja has employed this method nearly from day one. Even as a wee man about the house, he was known to flail and wail and create disturbances that we lovingly dubbed “Hitting the Dirt.” He would throw himself face down on the floor to have his fits. He did it so often that we even shortened its references to “Dirt.” He would wind up to do his thing and one of us would laugh “Dirt” to let the other know that a tantrum was in progress.

He doesn’t spend much time of the floor at his age, but his actions are hardly less annoying.

Our youngest, Garbo, is probably the most frustrating of all because her predictable behavior leaves you wondering if she is daft or dangerous, even after so many years of demonstrating that she couldn’t give a flying fig for what we really think. Her approach is one of quick admission and dismissal. I like to think of it in that lovely vernacular The Bum’s Rush.

Borrowing from both The Dancer’s The Much Aggrieved and The Actor/Ninja’s Righteous Indignation, Garbo’s aim is to finish with the offending, meddling parent as quickly as possible.

Physical characteristics vary depending on whether she is standing while addressed or lying on her floor wallowing about in her own filth, but in general one might see the following:

  • A quick stand at attention;
  • A marked shifting of the eyes from the television screen to the person addressing her, one eye wandering away again quickly to the television, indicating that she is quite through listening;
  • The nodding of the head;
  • A vacant smile;
  • A phony salute and quick getaway;
  • And if you have had the temerity to encroach upon her space to have a word, a dismissive wave of her hand to indicate that she’s “heard” you and now you must leave her to it.

Except “it” never gets done. Or more precisely, “it” rarely gets done.

And when pressed for confirmation that she’s received the information – if a directive is being issued – she can parrot back with the best of them. I do believe, however, that when she is paraphrasing the orders, the meaning behind the words flies immediately out of her head.

As I noted, she will, on occasion, swipe methodology from her elders – slamming doors, bringing on the tears, goggling her eyes and attempting to shout down her opponent, when necessary, meaning when playing the part of precious waif isn’t working for her.

Conveyed meanings include, but are not limited to:

  • Got it. Now go away quickly!
  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, and when I don’t do it, Mom will just come in and take care of it anyway…
  • Leave me the hell alone! Can’t you see I’m watching What Not to Wear?
  • Lalalalalalala I can’t hear you!
  • Philistine!To you this may be a heap of toiletries. To me, it is art.
  • Don’t let this smiling facade fool you. I couldn’t give a shit what you think of a clean house or how cluttered my room is….

Like all children whom I’ve known (including myself and my siblings), each of my children also possess an arsenal of denial, deflection and disdain for adults and their silly notions of cleanliness, order, responsibility, fairness and education.

In that arsenal, there are favorites, of course. For example:

  • A Robert DeNiro-esque Who me? Are you talking to me?
  • The Homer-Simpson-esque Don’t Blame Me, I Didn’t Do It!
  • The Don’t Let Your Lyin’ Eyes Deceive You
  • The Ignore Her and She’ll Go Away

Parenting, as we all know, is not for sissies. It’s time-consuming, inconvenient, sometimes maddening and often disheartening stuff. Of course it’s rewarding, but I’m not writing about the happy, easy stuff today. I’m on about the idea that kids are a major pain in the ass and they will try to get away with whatever they can, using whatever methods they have at their disposal. They are wily, too. When they find something that works, they stick with it. Which brings me back to the idea of consistency.

Last night, MathMan and I sat with the children after supper and discussed how things could go more smoothly around here. To the children’s dismay, the long commute together gives Mathman and me plenty of time to plot and scheme against them. In preparation, during dinner I announced that after clearing, each should return to the table before resuming activities that exercised their thumb muscles, involved the mixing of concoctions of tissue, glue, water, powder and shaving cream on an antique desk, or simply lying face down on the love seat, breathing through one’s mouth while watching Tyra Banks tell women how to be the next top model. They groaned, predictably.

After dinner, as I took the lead in issuing our latest State of the Family and announcing our roll out plans for budget requests, after school rules and responsibilities, the meaning of my closed office door and a few other odds and ends about clothes getting into the hamper and cats who require sustenance and clean litter boxes, each child performed in their most predictable ways.

The Dancer clicked her tongue, rolled her eyes and interjected right before The Actor/Ninja exploded in a shower of indignation that we were to be reminded that she was moving out next week and we already have arrangements to deposit X number of dollars into her bank account each month and so this was all moot to her.

Like Old Faithful, The Actor/Ninja erupted like an adolescent geyser, his changing voice swinging from octave to octave with each gush of righteous indignation. And Garbo? Well, she was true to form, as well. The minute I half-jokingly suggested that someone take notes so that they could all have something to refer back to because they seem incapable of retaining and following simple instructions, Garbo raced off to find a notepad. And she did take notes. She even read them back to us when the family meeting was about to adjourn. And then she promptly got up from the table, leaving the notes, the pen and the clipboard forlornly behind, sitting next to a barely drunk from, but requested glass of Tropical Punch Kool-Aid. Later, as I noted this waste with annoyance, a housefly tiptoed along the glass’s rim. I gathered it and the other things up with a sigh.

After all was said and done and one child was back to exercising this thumb, another was off creating sculptures in her bedroom using toiletries, and the third was mouth-breathing in front of the living room television, MathMan and I discussed what the reception to our ideas. Regardless of what those children think, we are not complete idiots. We know full well that the children will ignore us and treat us and our wishes with disrespect. This must stop because I’ve reached the point where my dislike for them is outweighing my love for them. And they should be aware that they are not the only ones capable of drama.

MathMan and I discussed options. I wanted to move away and not tell them. MathMan rejected this as inhumane to the cats and probably illegal, the killjoy. I was about to suggest that we take the cats with us when he shook his head in anticipation of my own predictable idea.

I suggested that I go back to New York City and stay this time, leaving him here to deal with the children alone then. MathMan didn’t cotton to that idea much either.

I suggested we go Mrs. Piggle Wiggle on their lazy, disrespectful asses and let them have what they claim to want – parents who don’t care and who leave them alone. Groceries? Clean clothes? Sign this permission slip? Money for all those things they like? We cackled like Hamlet’s witches at the idea of casting our children adrift in their wishes – allowing them to live in chaos, clutter, and filth. That would show them. But if I couldn’t get MathMan on board with moving out, that meant that we would have to cope with all the resulting squalor, too.

We slumped our shoulders, leaning on things as we thought. “We could modify it some,” I began,“It might work,” I added as the idea grew brighter, more clear in my mind.

I shared with MathMan my idea. He liked it. Now, of course, being consistent will be key to our success. Giving in for the sake of quiet and expediency will wreck this plan for sure. And if the children don’t hold up their end of the deal regarding the budget request idea, as mentioned in no detail earlier, life could be pretty miserable for them, as long as we insist on written budget requests for any items requested or money for activities outside the normal items of lunch money, for example.

The plan is simple indeed. We shall respond to our children in the same manner that they respond to us. When one of them asks what we’re having for dinner, I am going to simply ignore them until they go away. If one of them wants to know who deleted their favorite programs from the DVR, I’ll holler “I didn’t do it!” All those other things that they request? Yeah, yeah, I’ll get to it. Sometime. Or not at all. Were you talking to me?

And MathMan and I can keep them bouncing back and forth all day on decisions. Want to spend the night at your friends? What did Daddy say? What did you mom think?

The real fun, though, will not be in the execution of the plan, but in the announcement of it, as it takes shape. I want to see their faces as we respond to them with the pat answer that “I’ll address that with the same alacrity that you use when I ask you to do something.”

And when they ask me what the hell alacrity means, I shall simply shrug, take another drink of wine and pretend that I did not hear them…….

He Feels Pretty

Oh so pretty! He feels pretty and witty and….well you get the idea. And if pretty is as pretty does, Steve of Steve Denies Any Wrongdoing is as beautiful through and through.

Just look what he went and did now. I mean, can a guy get any nicer? Or funnier? And how lucky am I to be showered with this kind of love and support? I could lick the cream off his kitten toes, he’s so wonderful.

Just watch. And try not to focus too much on the thought of me licking the cream off his kitten toes. I mean, MathMan banned me from that kind of extracurricular activity. Again. Sheesh! (The prude.)

Thank you, Steve, for the order, the links, the support for my new business and for understanding why my tongue isn’t………well, you get the idea.

Now the rest of you go tell Steve how fabulous his skin looks!

Commute Chat 8 – Season Two Begins

Dear You:

Hello, again.

Today (Monday) marked day one of Season Two of Commute Chat. I can’t believe that summer is essentially over for the Goldens. This past weekend was a perfect ending to the season of fun, a term which I use lightly here. On Friday night, we attended a book signing and reading and recording of the Georgia Public Broadcasting program Cover to Cover at our local library. While there, I met author Lauretta Hannon aka The Cracker Queen.

Garbo also pushed her way to the front and had her picture taken with Lauretta. Garbo is a CQ in training.

Later, she tried to read The Cracker Queen while Georgia author Terry Kay spoke about his writing career and his various novels.

But Mr. Kay proved just a bit too interesting for her. She gave up trying to read during the event and listened instead. At the end of the taping, Lauretta drew the name for the winner of the Georgia Public Broadcasting raffle. And what do you know? She drew my name. I responded with a very clever “No Way!”

But it was true and I have the swag to prove it. See?

After the event, we hung around for a while because Lauretta had a special goody bag for me. It was full of some really cool things. (See top picture.) I was especially grateful for the nerve pills. I can use them these days! (Thank you, Lauretta! You are too kind!)

While we milled around, nibbling on cookies and sucking the cream out of petit fours, I spied John Sepulvado. I sidled up next to him and purred “I take a shower with you every day.

What a smoothie. He simply smiled indulgently at me. I realize that this wasn’t the first time he’d heard this line. “Well, my girlfriend is in there so don’t let her hear that.”

John later introduced us to Suzanne Capelouto, another GPB staffer. They wanted to talk to to MathMan about his connection to Torey Malatia, the President and Chief Executive Officer of Chicago Public Radio. It’s an interesting story about how MathMan knows the Man Who is the Model Public Radio CEO, but let’s just say that the conversation included a moment where we actually got MathMan to sing a song once crooned by Mr. Malatia in the dark days before he got on the staff of WBEZ in Chicago.

One of the evening’s highlights was having Lauretta brag on my writing. I knew she read the blog some, but when she met my husband and said in her perfect Southern drawl, “You must be MathMan,” it was clear that she had, in fact, read it and remembered some of it. That was a very cool moment for me. And for MathMan, too.

And as if that weren’t enough, MathMan, The Dancer and I finished off the weekend by having dinner? breakfast? hot fudge sundaes? with some complete strangers we found sitting in some rocking chairs along I20.

But you know all this already, don’t you?
Because the first thing you did was click on the video, that’s why.

With fond fondles of fondling,
