Monthly Archives: December 2013

While we wait for some balls to drop

I’m thinking in cliches.

Long time, no blog.  Tap, tap.  Is this thing on? Someone please break my fingers already.

Here I am on the last day of what has been a very strange year, glad to see it over and wishing I could go back and do so many things differently. I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t second guess myself.

Am I looking forward to the coming new year?  Yeah, I am. In an effort to be less like myself, I’ve made some resolutions. They’re pedestrian and I’ll likely fail at least half of them by 12:10 a.m., but like Homer Simpson says, trying is the first step to failing.

I’m on it.

One resolution is (don’t be shocked) to start writing again. I’ve considered going anonymously so I can put it all out there, but I’m just too lazy to bother. Plus by the time I get set up to write with a new name and a new blog, it’ll be 2015 and I won’t have kept a single resolution, carbs or not.

And I don’t think it will be a bad thing for me to have a wee self-imposed filter in place. At least for a while. After a couple of years of mind-altering pharmaceuticals, I’m afraid the emotions that have started springing out at me like my sister used to do when she knew damn well that I was terrified of monsters in the closet will come spilling out onto the screen and oh god.  That will not end well.

So I ask you to watch this space. There will be new characters and different settings. I’ll fill in the gaps and try to wrap up some old plot lines. Not because I really think you care or have given it much thought, but because of that Joan Didion quote:  I don’t know what I think until I write it down.

I promise you no twerking, no fiscal cliffs and no Duck Dynasty.  I cannot promise you that I won’t dive head first into whatever scandals and viral goblins seize our collective imagination in the coming year. I mean, some days that may be all that stands between me and those menacing emotions.

For now, I wish you a happy, healthy 2014. What do you plan to do differently?