Cupcake Cleans Up

Once upon a time….




And now….



Junior Prom 2016
Yeah, I’m still trying to wrap my head around this. It’s not like I haven’t already watched two children grow up and move out. It’s just – – – I don’t know. Even though I’m no longer there, Sophie’s age seems to define the end of some era. She has one year left of high school. One year.
And in case you’re wondering, she still texts me that she’s dying from some thing or other and should probably leave school so as not to traumatize her peers. So much for our family has changed, so it’s weirdly nice to know that some things probably never will.
Paybacks are coming though. One day I’ll be the one texting her from the home they stick me in. “Come get me. Pleeeeeeaaaaase!”

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