Dogpile on the Rabbit

Last week I received two gifts I’d like to return – the rejection letter from the job I interviewed for and the official letter telling me I’ve exhausted all 99 weeks of my unemployment insurance. They came the same day.

I immediately started looking around the garage for things we could sell. Sophie, the youngest, most succulent of the Goldens, sidestepped up the stairs and locked the door behind her.

MathMan aka Dr. Hofstadter regarded me warily. Waiting for the storm.

I tossed the letters aside and went back to the task at hand.

“You okay?”


No one said anything for a moment.

“I guess it’s good to get all my bad news at once,” I said as I stomped on the next soda can waiting to go in the recycling bin.

Bob Lefsetz.

Tree Stand Philosophy 101. My brother’s blog.  He always was the favorite.

My very brief, positive review of The Buddha in the Attic. 

The rabbit hole I fell down today.

And then this.

I.U. is losing as I type this, but the game has been exciting. A metaphor for life?

Animals in Midlife Crisis and one more.

2 thoughts on “Dogpile on the Rabbit

  1. barkinginthedark

    …”Sophie the youngest, most succulent of the Goldens…” very sly, economical. speaks volumes. sorry re the letter and the unemployment checks. but happy new year anyway…i do hope it will be a healthy, calm, peaceful, and prosperous one for you Lisa h. continue…


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